Hello everyone,
Curious about what I have to say right? I was thinking about
this and I realized that people really need reasons to either do something or
not to do it at all.
So here goes… 17
reasons why I Yele think you need to zip up your trousers or pull
down your skirts.
This is coming in 3 parts because giving you all 17 reasons in one post would be too long.
So here goes!!
What?! God loves everyone in a general context. But you see
in relations to you, His love is totally unimaginable. He knows exactly what
would happen if you decide to allow that person have their way with you. He
knows how you will feel when you’re done and how you will try to rationalize
your actions and feelings afterwards. He wants to save you from all that
anxiety and disappointment and anguish.
#2. YOU.
Do you always feel the need to validate your sexuality and
the definition of you who are through sex? Do you feel that if you don’t have
sex with that person, you won’t feel like a man/woman? Do you think it is a
responsibility of being human to have sex and share the emotions attached to
sex with someone? How do you feel right after? Do you feel defined? Are you
validated? Do you say to yourself “I’m done here, on to the next? If you do,
then you seem to not have gotten the validation you so honestly think you would
get with having sex with that person. Why not stop looking at people to
validate you and start to look to God for the real validation.
So, you feel the need to have something to brag about with
your friends’, right? And sex is the best thing to use yeah? So you go on a
body count mission totally disgusted with yourself before and after so that
your friends can have respect for you as that person who knows how to have
plenty fun. You don’t have to. Don’t
have sex to brag. We both know that you don’t feel like you’re having fun. I
can bet that you feel like your life is nothing more than the next count. You
don’t need to hurt yourself so people can like you. It won’t last. People are
never satisfied. You won’t be happy either.
Trouble with who, you ask? Trouble with your mind. Trouble
with your body. You see the body likes to get addicted to stuff quickly. That’s
why you shouldn’t give in to sex outside marriage. You become addicted to that
7-30mins quickly and even though you don’t like it, you cannot stop finding
someone to indulge with. And trust me, there would always be someone to indulge
When you indulge in sex with different people, there is
mingling of body fluid and blood. So you say but there’s protection. It won’t
save you from pending doom! And trust me, it will catch up with you. Maybe not
the extremes like STD or HIV/AIDS. There are other health implications to
having sex with multiple partners. Since there is transference of fluid,
whatever health issues those random partners have is transferred to you as
well. Think about this.
Speaking with a lot of people about sexual purity, one thing
that is prevalent is the fact that their conscience is always pricked with the
thing that they are about to do, or what they have done. It’s so much better to sleep well at night
when you know your heart is pure and your conscience is clear. Don’t become to
wrapped up in your selfish needs that you ignore the promptings of conscience.
Some people have gotten so good at not listening that their conscience does not
speak anymore. Also, note that your decisions always affect people.
To be continued.........
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